SALON Safety Protocols


Thank you for your patience and support during these times. We are complying with all City and State guidelines as well as the guidelines set by the CDC to ensure a safe and healthy environment for all. Please read through the following updated guidelines set by ARROJO NYC for your upcoming appointments.

  • Employees must wash and sanitize hands immediately after entering workspace

  • With the onset of Omicron, employees are wearing masks at all times. We ask you to do the same.

  • Employees must perform proper hand hygiene (ie; hand washing, disinfecting) before and after contact with each client. If gloves are used they must be replaced after each appointment

  • Employees must wash and disinfect each tool used between clients. Employees must avoid sharing tools with each other and disinfect each tool as well as work space between services

  • We will be accepting cash and card at time of payment

  • We will have hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes at each individual station.